Morning routine with vitamins
Victoria is a wellness and life coach. She aspires to spread the idea that we have the responsibility and the power to become the kind of person we look up to. She works with individuals and groups worldwide through her holistic coaching practice. She helps her clients gain clarity, beat procrastination, make peace with themselves and ultimately reach Self-Mastery.
Victoria preaches the importance of a morning routine. This is something she practices herself, shares daily on Instagram and helps her clients develop for themselves. "The importance of a healthy morning routine extends far beyond the actual practices you chose to start your day with. When you start your day by taking a healthy moment for yourself, whether it be juicing, meditating or doing yoga, you are indirectly passing on the message to your mind that you are worth taking care of. This has an impact on your whole day." Victoria explains how to be able to give openly to those around you, you need to fill your own cup first - and that starts with how you start your day.
So how does Life Coach Victoria start her day? "The first thing I do is get on my mat to do some stretching and light yoga to wake up my body and mind. Then I make myself my favourite green juice. That way no matter what the day brings, I know that I've moved my body and fuelled it with the vitamins it needs to keep me focused and energized. Not only that, but by filling up my cup first, I'm better able to serve my clients all day long."
My Novis VitaJuicer makes getting my daily dose of veggies SO easy. My fresh veggie juice every morning ensures that no matter where the day goes, I've gotten my greens in!
"My Novis VitaJuicer makes getting my daily dose of veggies SO easy."
Victoria Sardain, wellness and life coach
Morning juice by Victoria Sardain
- 2 x stalks of celery
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1/2 lemon
- 4 mint leaves
- Handful of parsley
Juice all ingredients with the Novis VitaJuicer and get a lovely smooth juice.
Juice all ingredients with the Novis VitaJuicer and get a lovely smooth juice.